There Are Two Types of     
Secondary AML (sAML)
sAML includes two main subtypes:     
AML with myelodysplasia-related changes (AML-MRC) and therapy-related AML (t-AML).1
Did You Know?
AML-MRC and t-AML are “secondary” types of AML because they usually occur after myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or another type of cancer.1,2
sAML Constitutes ~30%     
of AML Cases
  • AML-MRC accounts for ~25% of cases,
  • t-AML makes up ~4-10% of cases.3,4
MDS and sAML Are Rare
In the U.S., about 60-170,000 people are living with MDS, with an estimated 87,000 new cases each year worldwide.2,5      
sAML constitutes about 30% of AML cases.3,4
MDS Can Progress to AML-MRC
Approximately 30% of patients with a history of MDS will progress to AML-MRC.6
Age Is a Factor
MDS and sAML are more common in older people.2,7
Immature Blood Cells Are a Cause
MDS and sAML occur when blood cells do not grow properly. These immature cells are called “blasts.”2,8,9
sAML Progresses Quickly
sAML can spread rapidly,      
which is why it’s important to begin treatment as soon as possible.10